Muscle Relaxing/ Tension Reduction Injectables

Jaw Muscle Relaxing Treatment.

Conditions affecting the jaw joint and muscles are known as Temporomandibular joint pain dysfunction syndrome (TMJDS) . It is a common, benign muscular condition,  but can cause you pain, tension and daily fatigue, affecting your quality of life.

What causes TMJPDS?

Most discomfort is from overuse of the joints and muscles. There are many ways this can occur:

  • Clenching teeth together. This may be brought on when you are stressed by some aspect of your life (e.g. relationship, financial, exams or illness)

  • Grinding of teeth together. This can occur during the day or at night.

  • Habits such as chewing pencils, biting nails, holding things in the mouth and holding your mobile between your neck and shoulder.

  • Overworking the muscles by constant chewing e.g. chewing gum.

What problems may I experience?

  • Jaw pain or soreness that may be worse on waking or at night

  • Jaw pain when biting, chewing or yawing

  • Clicking form the joint when moving your jaw

  • Stiffness or locking of the joint

  • Earache

  • Difficulty opening and/or closing your mouth

  • Tooth surface loss-worn/shorter teeth/fractured teeth

  • Headaches

  • Difficulty swallowing

    When toxin is injected into the muscle, it inhibits the release of acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction, relaxing the muscle and allowing the over developed muscle to atrophy (de-bulk) I call it the masseter melt!

Migraine Rx.

Toxin is injected around pain fibres that are involved in headaches. The toxin enters the nerve endings around where it is injected and blocks the release of chemicals involved in pain transmission. This prevents the activation of pain networks in the brain.

Neck/shoulder pain Rx.

Neck pain can be caused by various factors, including acute injuries (such as muscle strain or whiplash), chronic stress, poor posture, muscle tension or imbalance, age-related joint wear-and-tear, traumatic injuries, and specific spinal conditions (like herniated discs or pinched nerves).

Severe muscle tension is highlighted as a significant factor in persistent neck pain cases, and it can lead to additional issues such as radiating shoulder pain or chronic headaches.

Botox has the ability to relax overly tight neck muscles and alleviate pain.

Botox works by interrupting the pathway of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that transmits pain signals from muscles to nerves, spinal cord, and the brain. By blocking this pathway, Botox helps the targeted muscles relax and alleviates tension, leading to pain relief.

Botox is administered through small injections directly into the affected muscles. The number of injections and dosage depend on the nature and severity of the pain.

  1. Will it work for me? Botox may be considered if muscle spasms, tension, or trigger points contribute to ongoing neck pain. The treatment can provide quick and effective relief, opening the gateway back to normal life without constant painkillers!

  2. Integration with Other Treatments: For individuals with posture-related imbalances or underlying conditions like arthritis, the muscle-relaxing and pain-easing effects of Botox can complement other long-term pain relief solutions, such as physical therapy.